jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010


Singing sin and playing shadows,
a world of grins and winks,
the sound that surrounds me: demoniac laughter
of flames we dream and live.

Down we rise, downwards we ride
Darkened soul shaded by wings
horns and fangs ablazing
with flaming breath we swear

Mighty oath, chains to my being,
with claws I'll protect it
my pact with the duke
'Cause I am now demon
'cause now I am Prince

Of flames and destruction
Confuse and abuse
For Chaos I kneel
I bow with conviction

To the surface is rising
My kingdom I feel
With fresh putrid smell
The empire of Hell

2 comentarios:

  1. Me gusta mucho cómo estás escribiendo, niño mechudo. Me gusta!
    Dejo mis saludos.

  2. Pendejito...
    me encanta como tu blog.
    Como hiciste para dejarlo asi?

    Después me decis, por alla, por el eme.
